WWW : You have used media terminology accurately.
EBI : Be specific when fully answering a question


Q1) 1 mark 
Q2) 1 mark
Q3) 1 mark  }
Q4) 1 mark  } answers were a bit vague
Q5) 1 mark  }
Q6) 3 marks
Q7) 2 marks
Q8) 4 marks
Q9) 2 marks  } had to be more specific..

3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision:

consumer - the reader/audience .. the person consuming (taking in) the project.

4) Identify one of your stronger questions. Why did you do better on this question?

Question 8 was my strongest question. I identified the right camera shot for this question and wrote a detailed description on how its effective.

5) Identify one of your weaker questions. Why did you score lower on this particular question
Question 9 was one of my weakest answers. I scored lower because my answer was vague meaning i wasn't specific enough so i should of wrote more and focused on the question

LR TASK - make question 9 more detailed.

Q9) Why do charities use pictures of children in their advertising? 
try use the terms : consumer/producer/denotation/connotation 

Charities use children in their advertising to make the consumer sympathise with the message. Older aged people such as parents/guardians connect with the message personally because it reminds them of their children or a kid they've cared for and they wouldn't want what the child in the advertisement is going through to happen to theirs so it puts them in the position to help out or else they'd feel guilty.
Elderly people are much caring than any other age groups because they've been through everything and know how the world works, by them seeing a young child suffering puts them in the automatic position to donate and they'd do anything to see this generation develop better. Also when young children themselves see advertisements of other children suffering allows them to ponder on their life and compare it to the child's in the advertisement and the outcome of this will be them begging their parent to donate, help in any way because if they can live a happy life why can't the sad child in the advertisement live the same.
Everyone spreading the word can make a big change and therefore the charity will gain a larger platform and this will result to more donations for the better etc..


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