You still need a whole paragraph on News Industry. Citizen Journalism and fake news? You could give real examples to support your news.

Usually people used to read the news straight from paper and wait until a new one is published to read more. As technology has developed and become more advanced the news is now shown over the new digital media but paper news still exist - it's not as popular as it was back then. The NDM allows the audience to view the news online wherever and whenever which is a much accessible way of finding out whats going on around you and the world. This also allows the audience to express their opinions about the news, knowing its more reliable if a big company has published it. A rise of citizen journalism has spread across the media platform these past years - mostly because its easy to become one and you're earning money. This is useful to those who are there in the moment to live stream an event that is taking place. If you're lucky you can be known for what you do and gain a larger platform of viewers and this could become a everyday job. New technology means you can cover events in new ways, this is helpful for the producer because it'll be more likely for people to tune in if the news is being presented in an interesting way eg. drones. However,  there are risks of news being presented to the audience watching meaning it's fake. The aftermath could be false word of mouth being spread and people having knowledge of the wrong things instead of authentic news. It's also hard to make money unless you have connections in the industry. If you spend a lot of money reporting events and don't gain lots of viewers it'll of just been a waste.

1) 1 mark
2) 1 mark
3) 3 marks
4) 10 marks
                   OVERALL = grade 4

wrong :  denotes

correct : connotes

wrong :  womans

correct : women

Where you didn't achieve full marks, write WHY you think you missed out on the extra marks. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to help with this.

I didn't recive full marks on the last question. The reason why i think i lost marks is because i didn't manage my time during the test, leaving me with an incomplete answer.

Look specifically at question 3 - did you successfully write about both the preferred and oppositional readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme?

No I did not successfully write about both preferred and oppositional readings. I had to go in depth about what it suggests.

Re-draft your answer to Q3. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to write a top-level answer on your blog.

The preferred reading of this advert would be that all women should join the defence industry. This is because in the advert/poster the woman is portrayed as a confident in her pose which connotes that women are durable. "We Can Do It" (the title) is written at the very top of the advert, which draws the consumers attention to it since it's bold and standing out.The title allows women to believe they are capable of achieving anything such as working, since back in the day people would stereotype that men should do all tough works since women 'aren't strong enough'. The colours in the photo makes the woman seem important,  as these are quite bold colours implying that women are powerful.

The oppositional reading of this poster would be that women working in the defence industry are  . This is because the poster uses darker shades and these dark undertones of the image could connote a melancholy theme, indicating that the work they do is upsetting and thereby off-putting to them. Additionally, the woman in the photo is stood in a position that men are usually pictured in, possibly leading women to think that they should become masculine in order to work, making them less likely to. Also, the woman is wearing men's clothes, further emphasising the point that women should become manly in order to work, making them feel as if they're the second choice to men, making them feel less wanted, thereby degrading women.


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