LR- Re-do question 3 of Tatler analysis looking at each part of the question and all the percentages it asks you for. Do question 4 again for Tatler talking about how the working class are not represented and why this is. Other questions are not answered so please do those. Don't leave any undone. See other people's blogs and the original Media Macguffin posts if you don't understand, or ask me. Also look at the blog post on Macguffin on Preferred and Oppositional reading (as well as notes in your book) as I am not sure you completely understand this. Once you have understood it, please write about these in relation to both CSPs

3)  Now go to page 4 of the Media Pack. Focus on the print magazine (NOT tatler.com - the website). List the key demographic details: age, gender %, ABC1 % (social class), HHI (Household Income), % of those living in London and the South East. What do these demographic details suggest about the average Tatler reader?

Circulation 80,035                         Unique Users 329,246
Page Impressions 3.4m               Page Impressions 3.4m
Average HHI £247,168                 Average HHI £247,168
Female 89% ABC1 90%              Female 89% ABC1 90%
AB 33% Average Age 29              AB 33% Average Age 29
London/SE 57%                            London/SE 57%      
The key demographics for this Tatler magazine would be suitable for aspires and the upper classes. The majority of readers are based in london which suggests the readers are posh and rich, also may mean they have a large disposable income. The common age for the readers of tatler are women in their late 20's early 30's. 


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