1) What does BAME stand for?
BAME stands for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic

2) Why is there a need for blood in the BAME community? 

People from the BAME community are not doing enough. They have special blood that can help save lives, but only 3% give donations. Also it can help can meet the needs of all patients in England now and in the years to come. Black, Asian and minority ethnic donors are specifically needed right now because:Some patients who receive frequent blood transfusions need blood to be closely matched to their own. A number of blood conditions, like sickle cell disease which is treated through blood transfusions, most commonly affect black, Asian and minority ethnic people. 

3) What does this advert want people to do once they've seen it ('call to action')?
Spread awareness so that more of the BAME community can start donating and more lives will be saved.

4) Why is the advert called 'Represent'?

Represnts defintion is to be entitiled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity. It's a command which influences the BAME community to donate and make a change. It is also signifying your ethnic group and standing up for the better.

5) Why have the producers chosen famous BAME celebrities to feature in the advert? Give an example of three well-known people who appear in the advert and why they are famous

TV presenter and wheelchair basketball player Ade Adepitan
CEO Kanya King
Olympian Nicola Adams

6) Why is there a slow-paced long shot of empty chairs at the end of the advert?

There are 3 empty chairs at the end of the advert connoting the chairs are empty because the patients that needed the blood have passed away. This makes the audience sympathise with the adverts message and persuades them to donate and help for the better.

7) How does the advert match the key conventions of a typical rap music video?
There are many s
trong editing cuts between concept and low angled shots to portray the celebrities as the bigger people who are empowering for this project.


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