2) Read through your answers again. Write down the mark you achieved for each question:


3) Write down five magazine cover conventions. Look back at the original notes if you need help.
Central Image 
Cover Lines
Title of publication 
Colour scheme

4) Copy two bullet point answers for Reveal magazine and two bullet point answers for Tatler magazine from the mark scheme that you didn't use in your original answer.

1 Reveals magazine persuades people to buy their product by using images with known celebrities therefore making the consumer want to buy it since they will gain information on news about know celebrities they know
2 The 99p sign at the top left of every magazine is another way of persuading the audience since it's an affordable price 
 1 Tatler persuades people to buy their product by using interesting cover lines about gossip and fashion which will intrigue the audience to take a look at the product then in result buy it to gain insider information  
2 The free offers tend to persuade people to buy Tatler because aswell as getting a small free gift, gossip and news will be included in the product meaning you'll get some entertainment out of buying Tatler

5) Look at the mark scheme for Question 5 on the NHS Represent advert. Write down three of the people in the NHS Represent advert (include both their name and what they are famous for) and why they subvert the stereotype for gender or race/ethnicity.

Mariah Idrissi is a a British Moroccan/Pakistani model - A public speaker and online personality
Aron Christian is a film director 
Ade Adepitan is a British television presenter and wheelchair basketball player.
People were surprised to not see in the advert is that disabled people are not physically able to complete active activities yet Ade subverted it

.6) For Question 6, read the exemplar answer in the mark scheme. Re-write your own answer to Question 6 making sure you include all three advertising CSPs: OMO advert, Galaxy advert, NHS Represent blood campaign.

Omo portrays women as the people who tend do always do the housework. They made the women in the central image look as if she's enjoying herself whilst cleaning even though that's not always the case. The first sentence in the description includes 'mother' which connotes that the product is going to only be used by mothers, not fathers or any other member. 

The NHS advert portrays women as dominant individuals who are capable of completing anything. This is subversive since later generations would have offended some people now because they would have taken seeing women as weak in a rude way. It's a more positive way of presenting women especially in this advert how it shows different jobs that women are capable of having 

Audrey Hepburn is immaculately presented as a woman who is in control about her looks and loved by all people. She has a simple however beautiful makeup look that connotes she's polite and fragile. Presenting her as a beautiful woman may connote that she can get what she wants yet later generations would have pretested men superior to women. 

Better Version

In the 1950's, adverts conventionally represented women as those who tend to do the housework. In the OMO advert the woman in the central images facial expression (big smile) suggests she's enjoying herself whilst cleaning even though that's not always the case. The first sentence in the description includes 'mother' which connotes that the product should only be used by mothers, not fathers or any other individual. This would be more acceptable in the 1950's since people would find it normal however people now may take it in offensive since there's a lot of controversy about feminism.

In 2000's, representations of women were less crucially portrayed and didn't cause too much offensive towards females. The NHS advert depicts women as dominant beings who are capable of completing anything. The visuals included females with unconventional jobs which subverted the stereotypes of what people would have expected to see in the advert. Later generations would have offended (in some way) this generations females using stereotypes that they'd not respect yet this 2000's advert portrayed women in a more empowering way 


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