1) Who is Lara Croft and when did she first appear in a video game?
Lara Croft is a fictional character, the main protagonist of the Square Enix video game called Lara Croft go - franchise of Tomb Raider and Hitman Go

2) What classic films influenced the creation of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider games?

The Indiana Jones franchise influenced the creation of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider games

3) How has Lara Croft and Tomb Raider moved beyond just being a videogame?

Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider games have moved into movies as well as the constant flow of spin-off titles and sequels to the original game. They quickly created their own franchise

4) What devices can you play Lara Croft Go on?

You can play Lara Croft Go on Touchscreen phones

5) What type of game is Lara Croft Go?

Lara Croft Go is a puzzle based game 

6) How does Lara Croft Go use narrative (storyline)?

The narrative of Lara Croft Go is about a giant snake which is protecting the artefact that Lara is searching for and this snake chases her through the levels. There are three main stages to the gameplay 

7) What iconography can be found in Lara Croft Go? How does this help communicate the sub-genre of videogame?

In Lara Croft Go, there is imagery of ruins and destroyed temples, which is similar to the original Tomb Raider games. The foreign places and destruction, temples and ancient environments are the negative parts of the imagery but are high in quality and make the game more aesthetic and interesting. 

8) What other characters or enemies feature in the game?

In Lara Croft Go there are snakes, lizards and spiders which can be found throughout the higher levels, before Lara eventually ends up with the Queen of Venom, a giant Snake.

9) What is the setting for Lara Croft Go? How does this compare to previous Lara Croft or Tomb Raider games?

In Lara Croft Go there are many settings, but they are all based in an exotic location. There are ruins and old buildings which are all locations which the original games were set

10) Read this BBC article on the history of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider. How has the character of Lara Croft evolved over the last 20 years?  
Over the years Lara has become less sexualised as her chest has became smaller even though they used to be larger and her clothes have become more practical than sexualised. Her morals have been expressed through her story and they focus on the narrative.


1) How are women usually represented in videogames?

Over the years women have been represnted in a more positve way. In later generations they were seen as less superior to men and obsessive over their appearance but fortunatley now they are represnted as role models who are independant and capable in doing anything. 

2) How does the character of Lara Croft reinforce female stereotypes in the media?

Lara Croft is a strong, smart, independent character who's resilient in attempting levels that get harder. She's a female protagonist which reinforces stereotypes a lot because people are used to seeing male protagonists that are mostly heroes.

3) How does the character of Lara Croft subvert female stereotypes in the media?

3) Why do some people believe the videogames industry is sexist and needs to change?
Some people believe this because mostly men are protagonists

5) Do you think Lara Croft is an empowering feminist icon or just another objectified womandesigned to appeal to male gamers?

I think Lara Croft is an empowering feminist icon because she subverts the stereotypes of men being protagonists and is a role model to the young generation of girls


1) What does PEGI stand for?


2) What is PEGI's job?

PEGI's role is to make consumers make informed decisions when buying video games or apps. This is through the use of age recommendations and content descriptions.

3) Which company created Lara Croft Go?

The company who created Lara Croft Go is called Square Enex

4) What two popular videogame franchises were combined to create Lara Croft Go?

The two popular videogame franchises that were combined to create Lara Croft Go are TombRaider and Hitman Go

5) What else is part of the Lara Croft/Tomb Raider franchise?

Indiana jones the film


1) Why might an audience enjoy playing Lara Croft Go?

The audience gain pleasure since theyre in control of that path the game is heading in and the thinking section of the game may help to solve the puzzles logically. 
It's a mobile app therefore they'll have access to the game at all times.
Also may enjoy playing Lara Croft Go for nostalgia of the other franchises.

2) Where and when might an audience play a game like Lara Croft Go? Think about the device it is played on and the times of the day someone might want to play the game.

Lara Croft Go is accessible to touchscreen devices such as Iphones, Samsungs and any other touchscreen phone. Whilst you're travelling on public transport or anyother type, you may play it if you get bored since it's a mobile app and playing it anywhere is possible.

3) How did Square Enix design Lara Croft to make it appealing to an audience?

The use of isometric view deliberatly keeps it minimalistic and simple therefore it's appealing since there's not too much going on but the quality of animation and use of colour is still impacting, just not through an over the top display.

4) Which of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory might apply to Lara Croft Go?

Lara Croft Go applies to social interatcion since the consumer may begin to have a carefull relationship with the character - not wanting her to die, makes them want to continue playing and try winning.
It also applies to Diversion because it lets you escape from the real world and experience Lara's life through levels..

5) Who is the target audience for Lara Croft Go? How does brand loyalty contribute to this target audience?

The target audience for Lara Croft Go is for mostly teen girls but some boys too. This is because it's a puzzle based game which intrests younger people, and the protagonist is a female therefore younger girls may play it more since they can look up to the character of Lara Croft. Brand loyalty contributes to the trget audience because people who've played Tomb Raider and Hitman Go may have a sense of Nostalgia once playing Lara Croft Go.


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