Statement of intent: 100 words explaining what you plan to make.
I plan to make a short Science Fiction television scene set in a mysterious school. A variety of camera shots including close-ups and over the shoulder shots will be used. The characters will be innocent individuals who has to complete a tough task inside the school.
I will aim to subvert the stereotype of young females being incapable of doing things such as being heros etc, in this short film the protagonist will be a powerful character. I plan to include a variation of supernatural props and mysterious characters in my movie to show its a science fiction television.  

Script: Stage directions and dialogue for phone conversation (and voiceover if required). To see how a TV script is presented, and to look at professional examples, check out the BBC Writers' Room and click on Script Library.

*four students having a chat*
Shirhan: Have you seen the news?
Assia: No, what happened.
Shirhan: Last night everyone was talking about the plane
Shirhan: What even... What is this?
Other girls: What?
Shirhan shows everyone her phone
Shirhan: It says warning.
Olena: Press the button.
Shirhan presses button
We travel to 1891
Everyone dissapears except for Shirhan
 Shirhan gets a mysterious text that says : it's your time

Shirhan looks scared
The end

Casting: Who will be in your film.
Olena playing Jahseha
Assia playing Onfroya
Shirhan playing Dwayna

Location: Where in school you will film (OR where you will film off-site if you wish to do this for homework). Important note: You CANNOT take any students out of any other lessons and your filming location must not disturb any other teachers in the school.

In school I will film on DS near the doors for a few shots then the shots will transfer to the hallways. This is where the girls will have their conversation.

Shot list: Every shot you plan to film. This needs to be far more shots than you will actually use in the final version - plan extra close-ups, long shots, unusual angles and more. You can find an example shot list here

1Establishing shot of the hallway
2Long shot of the girls having a conversation
3medium shot of the girls still having a conversation
4over the shoulder shot once shirhan receives the text
5closeup of the text message 
6medium shot of the girls looking confused
7closeup of olena telling shirhan to press the button
8closeup of shirhan pressing the button
9long shot of the girls looking at eachother
10long shot of the girls disappearance
11long shot of shirhan by herself  
12medium shot of shirhan confused, receiving the second text
13closeup of the test message
14medium shot of shirhans reaction
15medium shot of shirhan walking away
16establishing shot of the hallways
 Extension - Storyboard: Draw a 5-frame storyboard mapping out your key shots.


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