End of year 1 exam: Learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW- You clearly know the content!

EBI- You need to join to develop your answers and use specifics from CSPS

2) Write down how many marks you got for each question against the total number of marks available:

Grade = 4-

  • Q1: 1/1 mark
  • Q2: 1/1 mark
  • Q3: 5/12 marks
  • Q4: 0/8 marks
  • Q5: 4/12 marks
  • Q6: 1/2 marks
  • Q7: 2/6 marks
  • Q8: 2/2 marks
  • Q9: 9/20 marks
  • Q10: 8/20 marks
all together =  33 marks
3) Section B requires you to write extended essays with approximately 20 minutes and 4-5 well-developed paragraphs per question (excluding introduction and conclusion). Count the number of paragraphs you wrote for each exam question in Section B excluding your introduction/conclusion:

  • Q9 number of paragraphs: 2
  • Q10 number of paragraphs: 2
4) Question 9 was on role models in video games. Read the indicative content (suggested answers) for Question 9 and look at any points you missed out on. Write a new well-developed paragraph that answers the question referring to Lara Croft Go and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.

' audiences are attracted to videogames with characters that are role models '

Lara Croft Go : 

The game Lara Croft Go involves a strong female character who completes tough tasks/levels resulting in her winning the level and game as a whole. The way Lara is portrayed to the modern society is mostly positive since she subverts the stereotype of women characters and how they are seen as less inferior to men - this shows the target audience (majority are young females) that they're capable of doing anything and it boosts their self - esteem up knowing a game character like Lara can do such things. Lara's character shows the conventional hero features such as sagacity + skill and how she takes the traditional male 'hero' role and puts it in action. The mise-en-scene for the game has Lara wearing appropriate clothes for action such as a belt and armour carrying weapons - showing she's ready to fight. It does make the target audience attracted to the game because Lara may come across as a role model to younger girls for reasons such as her performing her duty of defeating the enemy by killing it and winning the level.

Kim Kardashian Hollywood:

The game Kim Kardashian Hollywood features positive representations of women since the character Kim is a successful woman in the industry. This aspires young girls to figure out the directions and paths they'd be willing to take in the future to be successful like Kim. As for the blumber and katz theory the game may indicating personal identity since Kims character dialogues are informal and on relatable trends - this also is interetesting to a modern audience therefore having a larger platform playing. Contrarily, negative elements also impact the attraction to video games with characters that are role models and in this case Kim is predominantly dressed and interested in high class fashion and also materialistic goods aswell. Kim also endorses the perspective that social life and looks are more important factors in success and happiness.


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