Exam case studies Learner Response

You will have received an email with feedback from your teacher on your first two Videogames exam case studies - Lara Croft Go and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. You need to create a new blogpost on your blog called 'Exam case studies - Learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Read your feedback carefully and then copy and paste the whole email (ALL text) into the blogpost.

WWW- Well done, much more confident using media terms such as ‘intertextuality’. You talked about escapism confidently too and show clear understanding of all 4 media concepts (LIAR).

EBI- You need to make sure your written English is of the correct standard (lots of SPAG errors). Proof read to check punctuation and capital letters. You get confused on representation part of Lara Croft and haven’t properly answered it. LR- Question 5 on Kim Kardashian does not make sense. Re-do and read article again. On representation in KK, be specific. Is this positive or negative? Revise Blumler and Katz so that you understand it as you seem confused on this too. Then apply it correctly to the questions for both case studies. 

2) Complete the learner response task you have been given. In most cases, this is going back to your original Lara Croft or Kardashian blogposts and improving, changing or adding an answer. In this case, make the improvements requested and then paste a link to the new, improved blogpost. It will look like this:

5) How might someone criticise the representation of celebrity in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?
Old answer
People may criticise the representation of Kim Kardashian in her game because her avatar is known to be way more attractive than the choices that you can, as a player choose from for your character.

New Answer
Some may criticise the representation on celebrities in Kim Kardashian Hollywood because they are seen as people you'd aspire to be yet they're encouraging in a negative way to sell themselves to the industry to increase in fame.


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