The final aspect of our planning is to write a comprehensive shot list for every single possible shot we plan to film.

A shot list is a full list of all the shots that are part of your film, with detailed information for each of them. Creative shot choices aside, it’s easy to forget that a shot list is a strategic document. Creating a shot list is essentially like creating a shooting game plan for the day.

Here's our friend Darius with a reminder of the different shot types and angles:


Here are some top tips for writing a shot list:


Task: Write your shot list

Write a shot list containing EVERY shot you plan to film for your extract AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing. These additional shots are often close-ups, cutaways, alternative angles or similar. 

We advise using a simple table on Microsoft Word to set out your shot list - you can find an example here. It makes sense to write your shot list by scene or location rather than a huge list of every shot in the extract in chronological order. You can then copy this into your blog to show that it is complete.


Friends sitting down having conversation

1 - Establishing shot of scenery, getting an idea of the setting which is the first hill at Northala Fields

2 - Long shot of girls sitting on grass having general conversations 

3 - Middle shot introducing each character

4 - Panning upward of the hills and where the girls are specifically sitting  

5 - Middle shot of the phone 

6 - Closeup of the news report on the phone 

7 - Middle shots of each facial expression once hearing the news

8 - Close up of protagonist showing emotion and her pondering

9 - Panning sideways of everybody doing their own thing

10 - Long shot of everyone leaving

11 - Middle shot each character going their separate ways 

Science Lab scene 

1- Continuity of protagonist opening doors and entering science lab 

2 - Close up protagonists shoes as she walks into the classroom 

3 - panning sideways toward teacher

4 - long shot of teacher and student greeting 

5 - reverse shot of the dialogue happening between them 

6 - over the shoulder of protagonists perspective to see teacher

7- close up of protagonists facial expression once finding out teacher won't allow her to make the cure

8 - middle shot of main character sitting down writing notes and thinking

9 - long shot showing protagonist begging teacher 

10 - panning upward of teacher finally agreeing on Nura making the cure

11 - Over the shoulder from teachers perspective seeing Nura thanking her

Making cure scene

1 - long shot of Nura's before outfit

2 - middle shot of Nura picking up the laboratory coat 

3 - over the shoulder of her putting it on 

4 - extreme close up of protagonist placing lab goggles on her eyes

5 - close up of Nura rolling sleeves up

6 - long shot of Nura collecting equipment needed 

7- close up of instructions for cure

8 - middle shot of Nura writing notes

9 - long shot of Nura at her station

10 - panning upward of Nura at the station placing equipment in their places

11 - close panning sideways of her placing test tubes into rack

12 - middle shot of her getting the solutions 

13 - closeup of solutions

14  - panning opposite direction of Nura putting drops of solution into test tubes

15 - over the shoulder seeing teacher watching Nura making the cure

16 - closeup of emails on teachers computer 

17 - extreme closeup of droplets going into the test tubes

18 - long shot of Nura walking to the sink to get water

19 - Middle shot of Nura washing her hands and teaching getting up

20 - Closeup of teacher looking for a specific chemical

21 - Long shot of teacher putting random chemical into Nuras cure

22 - middle shot of Nura walking back to station not realising the droplets MS put into her cure

23 - reverse shots of dialogue between teachers and aura

24 - closeup of teacher accidentally 'purposely' spilling solution onto nuras arm making her have to wash her arm again

25 - close ups of both of them

Elevator scene

1 - long shot of Nura back in her own clothes  

2 - continuity shots of her leaving the classroom

3 - closeup of her shoes as she walks into elevator 

4 - panning shot upward of Nura walking into elevator 

5 - close up of Nuras face 

6 - panning outward as the elevator closes

7 - black screen

8 - panning forward as elevator opens 

9 - middle shot of Nura with the disease all over her face/body

10 - long shot of her leaving


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