Daily Mirror


1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages:

Masthead: Title block of newspaper

Incentive: A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something 
Pug: Something to catch readers eye
Splash Head: Main cover line lead story
Slogan: Sums up ethos of newspaper
Dateline: The date when the newspaper was published
Kicker: Hint of whats inside
Byline: Who it's by
Standfirst: A summary

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost?

A copy of the Daily Mirror costs only 70p
3) What is the main story on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror?
The main story in the Daily Mirror is about old people being targeted by ticket men for their cars. The newspaper provides ways for people (mostly elders) to prevent this from happening.
4) What promotion takes up a large amount of the front page and why might it appeal to Mirror readers?
There is a free pull-out insensitive, a gambling offer and a free offer. This appeals to Mirror readers since they can be classed as 'working class' meaning they have a lower income, therefore having a huge promotion with the word 'free' in bold will persuade them into buying it. 
5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?
The balance is a selection of headlines and images but there isn't a variety of text because that's within the newspaper.


1) What is the target audience for the Daily Mirror?

The target audience for the Daily Mirror is an older audience usually the age of 65+ (44.5%).
In terms of class it is targeted at c1, c2 and DE adults.
2) Why does the Mirror front page story appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?
It may appeal to the daily mirror audience since the majority are interested in gambling so this promotion is a way of appealing to them.
3) Why might the 'Prey and Display' parking story on the double page spread be interesting for Daily Mirror readers?
It can be interesting to the readers because they might self identify themselves to the story as it can be something they may go through once in a while therefore having it on the double page spread sheet where more writing is presented is interesting for them so they can read and gain surveillance from a lot of text
4) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.

Surveillance: newspapers provide a big amount of current news all in one. The daily mirror usually tends to give information in ways such as advice to their audience on how to prevent or attain different things.
Entertainment/Diversion : On the front cover there is a large promotion of a free £5 for gambling which provides a sense of entertainment to the audience.
Personal Identity : The audience may relate to the inside news story of the elderly people receiving parking tickets.
Personal Relationships : The readers may feel a personal relationship to the writer since after each article they leave their email below to get opinions or requests sent to them - makes the readers feel as if they know them.

5) Why are print newspapers generally read by older people?

They are usually read by an older audience because the new digital media has been established recently and younger people generally use it to access news whereas elderly people may find it hard to access it on a device so they prefer print newspapers.


1) How does the Daily Mirror represent the Conservative Party and its MPs? Look at the main front page story.

They indirectly call the conservative party selfish as they talk about the negative goals from the party.
2) How does the Daily Mirror represent the golf club that is now admitting female members? Read the story 'At last, Muirfield men let women join golf club'.
The Daily Mirror represents the golf club admitting the female members as  
3) How does the Daily Mirror represent ordinary people? Look at the Prey and Display article to answer this question.
The Daily Mirror is sympathetic toward ordinary people as they tend to give advice on preventing common life issues that dont result well and they inform there consumers on current people. They represent them as not alone because anyone can easily be targeted with a parking ticket.
4) How does the Daily Mirror represent older people? Look at the Prey and Display article to answer this question.
The Daily Mirror represents old people as an easy and vulnerable target in receiving [parking ticket because they are slow and that's when the ticket men tend to 
5) How does the Daily Mirror represent businesses and people who make a lot of money? Look at the stories on the double page spread to answer this question.

They represent businesses and people who make a lot of money as


1) What company owns the Daily Mirror?

The Daily Mirror is a British national daily tabloid newspaper founded in 1903. It is owned by parent company Reach plc.
2) What is the Daily Mirror's circulation in 2019? How many papers did the Daily Mirror used to sell back in the 1990s?
Circulation of The Daily Mirror newspaper in the United Kingdom as of June 2018 (in 1,000 copies) is 562.52 whereas back in the 1990s the Daily Mirror used to sell around way more since the new digital media has been established people tend to get news from many others sources therefore back then more people would read the Daily Mirror.
3) How has the Daily Mirror reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?
Newspapers have had to change the way they attract and maintain audiences. They usually take advantage of the high number of social media, for instance through their twitter account.
4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?
IPSO stands for Independent Press Standards Organisations, their job is
- look at standards of press
- role is to regulate 
- listen to complaints 
- help with unwanted attention 
- advise publication editors 
- provide info to public
- provide a journalist whistle - blowing hotline 
5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers?
Some people want stronger regulation because 


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