1) How do audiences generally watch music videos these days?
YouTube/social media.

2) What opportunities has the growth of digital technology and YouTube created for new music artists?
The sharing of their music encouraged people to talk about and share their music, which created a buzz about the band.
3) What is P2P and why did it cause huge problems for the music industry?
Arctic Monkeys' music was shared on P2P sites, though this wasn’t known by the band or promoted when they found out. It allowed their music to be heard by their audience

4) Do you think the internet has given audiences more power over who becomes successful in the music industry? Why? 
Their fan base moved online, creating online communities where they could share songs and information.

5) How has Fortnite demonstrated the potential future for music videos and promotional opportunities for the music industry? You can read more on this event in this Verge feature.
The use of dance moves along with music when winning uses popukar music and have awide range of audience who enjoy playing so music has an impact of intruiging more members to play.

Arctic Monkeys: Industry

1) How did the Arctic Monkeys first achieve success and build up their fanbase?
Their music video was aired on many popular TV programmes and the use of new camera equipment and effects intriguing audiences to watch.

2) Why was P2P file sharing an unexpected aspect to Arctic Monkeys' early success?
Arctic Monkeys' music was shared on P2P sites, though this wasn’t known by the band or promoted when they found out. It allowed their music to be heard by their audience

3) How does the rise of Arctic Monkeys differ from how One Direction were formed and became famous?
They have a large difference in type of music they produce so their audiences could be different and one directions music was shared around in different ways and channels due to that.

4) How has technological convergence changed the music industry?
Technological convergence is the development of technology (such as phones and tablets) that allows us to access all types of media through one device. This has fundamentally changed the way music videos are produced, consumed and shared. 

5) Has the internet been a positive or negative development for traditional record companies? Why?
Technological convergence has created both challenges and opportunities for the music industry - both artists and record companies.

Arctic Monkeys: Audience

1) What is the main Arctic Monkeys audience - demographics and psychographics?
Arctic Monkeys' audience are likely to be white, middle class and reasonably young. Psychographic groups might include Reformers and Explorers. Recent global success pushed the band into bigger psychographic groups such as Mainstreamers.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor?
Audience pleasures would include diversion - the song is upbeat and fast-paced. Fans who followed the band from the early days might find a sense of personal relationship while many young people would get a sense of personal identity from the lyrics to the song (about going out to a club and drinking)

3) What is nostalgia and why is it a key audience pleasure for the Arctic Monkeys music video?
Nostalgia in the Age of Social Media: Identity, Meaning & Connection
Older fans would enjoy a sense of nostalgia from the 1980s-style performance video.

4) How are fans positioned to respond to the video? What does the artist want fans to take from their video?
It opens with the singer introducing the song and adding the words 'Don't believe the hype'. This could be a reference to the online following the band built up using Myspace.


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