Zoella CSP case study


Read this Marie Clare article on Zoella as an online phenomenon.

1) Who is Zoella and why is she famous? How many subscribers does Zoella's YouTube channel have currently?

Zoe Elizabeth Sugg (born 28 March 1990) is an English fashion and beauty vlogger, YouTuber, and author. She is best known by her YouTube username Zoella.

2) What is convergence?

When two or more people meet in one e.g Zoellas website where you can buy her book, read her twitter feed , see her Instagram photos and buy her products. Zoella is dating youtube star Alfie Deyes, her brother is also a vlogger.

3) What are Zoella's videos about? Find five video titles and write them here:

"How to : messy bun" - tutorial of Zoe teaching her fans step by step on how to get this look
"How to quick and easy hairstyles" - another tutorial on Zoe showing her fans how she gets the hairstyles shown in the video.
"My everyday makeup" - Zoe completing her everyday makeup look to show her fans an inside of what she looks like all the time
"Everyday glam makeup" - A part two of her everyday makeup video
"Winter makeup" - Zoe filming her step by step tutorial to show her fans how to get this winter look

4) What are the codes and conventions of vlogging videos?

Having an introduction at the start, having a name for your supporters

5) How does Zoella use media language choices to create her online identity? Write about Zoella's use of mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) - particularly costume and make-up.

Colour scheme - pastel coloured because its soft and feminine
Images - positive, friendly, mischievous, silly, normal
Links - social media presence, successful dominant media presence 
content - style, fashion, tips, advice


1) How does Zoella make money?

-youtube videos 
-product placement
-beauty range

2) What is a digital influencer? Why is Zoella considered a digital influencer?

digital influence is someone who has influence over his or her followers and influence marketing identifies these individuals in order to reach potential buyers. Yes Zoella is one because she promotes things she's selling.

3) Why do companies want to place their products in Zoella's videos?

Zoellas got a large fanbase who supports her unconditionally therefore having their products being promoted in her videos will then persuade her fans into buying the product themselves and that will result in the company making more money and recieing more buyers.

4) Why are YouTube collaborations so important for helping digital influencers like Zoella to grow?

Youtube collaborations are important because they allow you to gain a larger fan base since the person youre collaborating with fans will find out about you

5) How has Zoella moved into a more traditional media landscape in recent years?

Zoella has written her own book 'girl online' and has been seen on Itv's 'loose women'.


1) Who is the target audience for Zoella's channel?

Zoellas target audience is young teenage females. 

2) How are audiences encouraged to participate in or feel part of Zoella's brand? 
She encourages audience participation by persuading them to buy products of her own. On her youtube channel she describes what she sells and includes her fans in it.

3) What audience pleasures are provided by Zoella's videos and associated products?
Personal identity 

4) Applying Stuart Hall's Reception theory, what would a preferred and oppositional reading of Zoella?

The preferred readings of Zoella would be shes an influential person who's content is sent out in a positive way. Shes innocent and friendly. The oppositional readings would be she just talks about beauty and she's only focused on shallow issues. She's is famous for no skill and gives a stereotypical representation of women.

5) Why has Zoella been criticised by some people?

Zoe posted an image of herself on snapchat, in bed wearing a light top and showing the edge of her knickers. This was noticed by many people in a negative way since her target audience is teenage girls, therefore some thought it was wrong of her since it may of resulted in those girls being persuaded and becoming more revealing just like the photo. She also gets criticised on how she only talks about beauty based things, there's no variety. Her girl online book has also been criticised in not being written y Zoe herself, people think she got a ghost writer to write it.


Read this Independent article arguing Zoella is a bad role model for young women.

Next, read this Independent article arguing the opposite

1) What is your opinion on this debate - is Zoella a positive role model for young women?

In my opinion i don't think zoella is a positive role model for young girls since she has no skill and just talks about feminine things and no other variety
'She wants young girls to worry less, but she unwittingly exacerbates their body anxiety as they strive for her level of perfection, often falling short.' - This is a quote from the first article showing that some things she portrays in either words or actions is not positive.

2) What representations of women are provided by Zoella?

The representations of women that are provided by zoella is that she's a good role model who sweet and is like an older sister to you. 

3) What representations of celebrity are provided by Zoella? Is a self-made YouTube celebrity more authentic or positive than a traditional music or TV star?

Self made youtubers are way more authentic than traditional music/tv stars since they've built their success themselves and it shows they're dedicated in the work business.

4) How does Zoella represent herself? Is this the real Zoe Suggs or a media construction designed to sell products?

Zoe presents herself as a sweet individual who is like an older sister to you. She provides her consumers with advice which makes her seem as a very kind youtuber who's willing to do videos that will impact their fans.

5) What criticisms could be levelled at the representation of Zoella? 
A lot of controversy was created when Zoe posted an image of herself on snapchat, in bed wearing a light top and showing the edge of her knickers. This was noticed by many people in a negative way since her target audience is teenage girls, therefore some thought it was wrong of her since it may of resulted in those girls being persuaded and becoming more revealing just like the photo.


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