
Look through the slides from the lesson on Reveal and use this information and your own research and analytical skills to answer the questions below. 


1) Based on your research, what type of people read Reveal? Consider demographics and psychographics.

Based on my research the type of people that read the magazine reveal, in terms of psycho-graphics would be strugglers since others often see them as victims and losers which links to them may reading Tatler as a cheap magazine which allows them to seek escape.

2) Look at the lesson slides: how does the editor introduce Reveal magazine?

The editor introduces Reveal the magazine as somewhere a reader can escape from life and feel comfortable reading because it includes informal speech allowing the reader to feel as if they're on the same level as the magazine.

3) What is the difference between the Reveal and Tatler target audiences?

Tatlers target audience is more towards the posh British late 20's women, because its a Magazine that's based mostly on fashion and gossip. However, Reveals target audience is early 20's because it focuses on relationships and beauty tips for everyday women.

4) What issues are Reveal readers interested in?

Reveal readers are interested in issues including relationships, gossip and health/beauty tips. This is because most taglines state one of those issues and knowing the target audience, we can understand that those must be the most popular since that's the consumers preferred interests.

Media language

1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal?
12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal are Central Image, Title of Publication, Cover Lines, Bar Codes, Name Checks and Language.  
2) What is the font choice used on the cover and what does this choice connote? 
The font choice used on the cover is SANS SERIF, bold and white. This connotes modernity as sans serif signifies cleaner and a more plainer font.
3) How do the cover lines appeal to the Reveal target audience?
The cover lines appeal to the reveal target audience - lower class strugglers. They tend to seek fulfilment from compulsive articles.
4) What are the connotations of the Reveal colour scheme on this particular front cover?
The colour scheme for this particular cover is pink, red, white and blue. These lively colours are eye catching to the reader and influences them to buy the article since the colour scheme makes it look interesting .
5) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. 
 peoples facial expressions look as if they're curious which interest the reader to wanting to find out why.
(E.g. mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression).
The images mostly contain celebrities. There are 'paparazzi shots' as well as posed shots for authenticity. The way peter and katie are placed in the magazine with the tagline 'katie plots secret meeting with pete' allows the audience to feel as if the magazine is at their level and they'll get insiders on what the secret meeting is about, which persuades them in wanting to buy the article. Their facial expressions seem concerned crating interest because it could connote that the meeting could cause big conflict. 
6) What differences can you find between the use of design and typography between Tatler and Reveal? List at least three and explain the effect on audiences.
Tatlers title is using the font serif. Serif connotes a more traditional and authoritative feel whereas Reveal's title is using sans serif and that is more towards the modern day feel. For Tatlers cover lines sans serif font is used to give the magazine not only a traditional posh British look but a modern day look relating to the women purchasing the article. Reveals cover lines are sans serif too and the tend to be informal so that the readers can relate and feel as if the magazine is speaking to them at their level.


1) What different groups of people are represented on the cover? (Look at the image and text/cover lines)

DIfferent groups of people that are represented in the cover are some higher class and lower class celebrities.
2) What type of celebrities are represented on the front cover?
The people that are being represented on the front cover are celebrities, well known actors, reality tv stars and musicians
3) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?
The stereotype that celebrities nowadays are impolite is being subverted since the way they're  portrayed as normal people who are not in any type of industry with fame.
4) What view of celebrities does Reveal want the reader to have?
Reveal wants the reader to view the celebrities in the article as people who have same life aspects as them, they're regular people too.
5) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Reveal?
The preferred reading for this cover of reveal would be the reader will gain knowledge on many new things about all issues included in the article and they will get many insights into the lives of higher classed individuals. 

Social and cultural context

1) What aspects of British life are reflected in Reveal? How does this compare to Tatler?

Reveal represents the middle class since it includes aspects relating to middle/lower class rather than wealthy, upper class women. In terms of content Tatler displays more fashion and gossip whereas Reveal is detailed in celebrity relationships.
2) What do the cover lines in Reveal suggest about the issues and lifestyle of Reveal readers?
The cover lines in Reveal suggests that the readers are mostly parents since one states 'blooming baby bumps' which would be something pregnant or mothers would read
3) Find three other front covers for Reveal. What issues or features regularly appear in Reveal? 
Image result for reveal magazine coverImage result for reveal magazine coverImage result for reveal magazine cover
Relationship problems
4) Do any celebrities appear on more than one front cover of Reveal? Why do you think they are particularly popular with Reveal readers?
Kim Kardashian and Michelle Keegan are the 2 celebrities i've seen on most covers. I think they are popular with Reveal because Kim is a more well known celebrity so readers would like to hear whats new with her and how her luxury life is going whereas Michelle is not as popular but people may still find her interesting since she's popular in the relationship/breakup community. Both celebrities have the features Reveal's audience are interested in too, which could also be a reason why they're particularly popular with Reveal.


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