A good script is an absolutely vital element of your TV drama coursework.

We now need to turn our TV pitches and statements of intent into outstanding, professionally-written TV scripts. There are some great resources below to help you.

Writing drama

Film vlogger Darius has a good video on writing a short film:


BBC Writers' Room

You'll find fantastic guidance for writing a script in the BBC Writers' Room. Click on the Script Library to read real examples of professional BBC scripts.

Task: write your script

Write the script for your Science Fiction TV drama extract. Use Microsoft Word and make sure you lay out the page as a professional TV script. Use this real Doctor Who script as a guide if you're not sure what a real TV script should look like.




Nura and her friends (Harneet, Randa and Olena) are sitting down after having a long day at school full of exams. Recently in the news there has been a story circling around that a disease has been spreading across the area and a cure can be made to fix it. The girls are all on their phones and the news appears on a video so they all pay attention and watch.

Randa : guys look have you seen the recent news 
- puts phone towards girls so they can all watch the video

Harneet : Press play randa
- Randa presses play button and the girls sit silently and watch the video

Close up shots of their faces are shown, showing their facial expressions on how they feel about the current news

Olena : Wow thats actually crazy you know, anyone can catch it aswell

Nura : Hopefully a cure is found. 

Longshot of the girls in silence for a few seconds and the hills and sunset in the back.
Middle shot of Nura pondering on the cure.

// switches to next day //



Panning shot upwards of Nura walking into the school with her headphones in listening to 
Balenciaga Challenge by 6LACK

- Nura enters the block and greets teacher

 Middle shot of Nura and Teacher communicating, having a conversation.

Nura : Hey Ms have you heard the news recently?
Teacher : Who hasn't? (rolls eyes)
Nura : Did you hear about the solution to cure it, it exists Ms.

- Teacher looks at Nura weirdly

Nura : Im being serious Ms
Teacher : Whether you were being serious or not, does not matter. You'd be wasting your time if you think you'd be able to make the solution 
  -Teacher continues typing on computer
  - Nura sighs

Long shot of the teacher still typing on the computer to the left of the room and Nura thinking and writing down in her diary
Middle shot of Nura thinking what to do

Nura : Ms please I know you have some sort of instructions to make the cure. Allow me to have it and ill leave you alone, just please I really want to try it out.

-Teacher looks at Nura, stands up and walks to the back of the classroom looking through papers.
-Teacher walks back towards Nura and hands her a sheet with instruction on it.

Nura : Thank you.

-Nura puts her white lab coat on, lab glasses and ties her hair up.
- She walks around the classroom, gathering all the equipment she needs.
-She starts experimenting...

After a while 

-Teacher walks past Nura as she is focusing on dropping a few drops of a liquid into a testtube but accidently some drops on her hand since the teacher barged past her.

Teacher: Oops. Apologies. Everything fine?
Nura : A few drops went on my skin Ms, what do I do..
Teacher : Just wash it off you'll be fine.

-Nura walks to the sink and washes the substance of her arm.
-After having done that she finishes up and gets ready to go home

- Nura walks out the classroom and into the elevator looking as her normal self
-When she elevator door opens after she's reached her level the doors open and Nura looks in the elevator mirror and sees the disease spread all over her


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