The Cure

My science fiction TV show will be named 'The Cure' and will be about a young girl named Harneet catching a contagious disease. The narrative will essentially be based on the Protagonist wanting to find a cure to the disease that has been spreading and affecting people immensely but unfortunately ends up catching it herself after a student 'accidentally' spills some of the solution on her arm. My two-minute clip will appear towards the end of the first episode and will feature the young girl and her friends at a park watching the recent news about the disease.
Media Language and Representation
I plan to meet the brief by including two filming locations. My first location will be at an outside space at Northala Fields in Northolt. I will be filming in the hours of 5-6/7 to get the sunset misty vibe since it will complement the science fiction genre and mystery well. My second location is a science lab. A variety of camera shots will be used such as establishing shots to allow the consumers to get an idea of the scenes being set - Northala Fields and a Science Lab, Long shots to present the protagonist, Harneet and show important aspects of what she's doing once she's making the cure in the lab, Over-the-shoulder shots when I want to show different perspectives, Harneet and the teacher when there's dialogue and a few close-ups and middle shots to show the character’s expressions in detail when they find out there's a disease spreading. I will use diagetic sound by playing music when Harneet is walking into the lab wearing her headphones, then I will use non diagetic sound in the form of a voice over once the news about the disease is being shown to the girls. As for mise-en-scene, the protagonist’s costume which is a white laboratory coat with clear goggles will hopefully communicate the idea that she is a student and has a sense of wanting her future to be based around science since she's passionate about the subject in the clip. It will also convey that she'll be making the cure in the lab because she's got the appropriate equipment to be working toward a cure. The equipment in the lab will include testubes and testube racks which will contain coloured solutions in them to represent the cure.

The Cure is going to be family friendly to the audience since I will make sure to use appropriate language in my script : teenagers, boys and (mostly) girls at the age group of 12-17 will be the main target audience as the show is based on a young teenage girl who goes to high school and has same hobbies as teenagers do such as listening to music and having a quirky style.  For psycho-graphics, somebody who'd be able to relate to the protagonist would be an ambitious and education focused individual. Ambitious since she strives to be a technician, she takes pride in her work and does it to her highest ability. Moreover, she will possess the qualities of a focused person because Harneet will be shown prioritising her studies and working hard to find a cure. People who've watched Doctor Who and Stranger Things would enjoy this since they are very similar in terms of character, narrative and style. This short episode will follow Todorov’s narrative theory since everything starts of as normal and being balanced until the protagonist makes her way into the lab to start her experiment (equilibrium). The need for the cure is the disruption of the equilibrium and an attempt to possibly repair the damage can take place.


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