The Times


1) What are the main stories on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (15 March 2017)?

  • “Vote allows in women golfers”
  • “members voted overwhelmingly to end their 273-year tradition”
  • “a narrow majority of members…voted against allowing women to join”

2) What are the main stories on the inside page of the Times CSP edition (15 March 2017)?

  • “The R&A confirmed that Muirfield was back on the list of courses they consider suitable”
  • “bowed to pressure to admit women”
  • “Our members…don’t want an artificial female presence…It might be two or three years
  • “Muirfield welcomed back to Open

3) What is the balance on the Times front page between images, headlines and text?

There is a large amount of text and not so many pictures - only contains one big image of Angelina Jolie with the rest of the front cover being surrounded by text. 

4) How do we know that the Times is aimed at a wealthy, educated, middle class audience?

We know that Times is aimed at a middle class audience as it employs a formal style with advanced language to reflect the needs/education level.

5) What does a close analysis of the news stories in the Times CSP edition suggest about the Times political beliefs? 

The close analysis of the news story in The Times suggests that the Times political beliefs reflect on the conservative party as they are against labour.


1) What is the target audience for the Times?

The target audience for the Times is mostly in the ABC1 social classes implying they are likely to be professionals, managers or company owners. They would fit into the succeeder psychographic group.

2) Why do the Times front page stories/features appeal to the Times audience?

The front page appeals to the Times audeince because most of the stories support the traditional views on the news - e.g scotland not wanting to change and google/channel 4 as significant leaders. 

3) Why might the Muirfield golf story be of interest to Times readers?
It might interest them because they'd want to see why the club now allows women and its reasons for going against their tradditional view.

4) Why might a reader enjoy the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.
Surveillance - mostly because it provides information and current news to the consumers

5) Times readers are mostly over 55 years old. Why is this?  

The ndm results in younger people not reading newspapers since they can do that online - Older people experienced no internet and the only way to receive news was newspapers therefore they value printed papers rather than viewing online


1) What representation of Great Britain can be found on the front page of the Times?

Features a story on Scotland remaining in the uk

2) How does the Times represent the gender in the Muirfield golf feature?

They are a conservative paper and the fact that they are against it shows that they still believe in traditional values.

3) How does the Times represent big companies like Google or Channel 4?

Times represents the big companies like Chanel 4 as having negative views because it includes stories such as google not wanting to remove a video that attacked jews. It portrays them in a negative way as they may come across as racist.

4) How does the Times present the story of the transgender runner jailed for stabbing an official? What does this suggest about the Times's attitude towards LGBT issues?

Within the article they used words such as 'transgender' which draws attention to the audience. It appears that The Times support traditional lgbtq views as they avoid using female pronouns

5) What clues can you find in the CSP pages that suggest that Times readers are more likely to support the Conservative Party?

The news genrally consists of being against the labour party and doesnt support anything thats threatning in result to major changes.


1) Who owns the Times?

The Times is owned by the News Uk - a subsidary of NewsCorporation

2) What is the The Times's circulation in 2018? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s?

The Times sold 800,000 papers in 1990 however is decreased in 2018, having 430,000 papers sold. 

3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

The Times is beginning to move towards a multi platform landscape 

4) Using Galtung and Ruge's News Values theory, choose three factors that make a news story more likely to be placed on the front page of the newspaper.

immediacy, familiarity and Negativity 


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